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Unsuccessful Attempt to Kill a Woman in Ghor, Are the Taliban Behind This Attack?

Unsuccessful Attempt to Kill a Woman in Ghor; Are the Taliban Behind This Attack?

A local source in Ghor province reports that a group of individuals attempted to behead a woman named Hanifa at night in the village of Asfar Mani, Dolatyar district. However, the attempt failed, and Hanifa’s throat was only injured.

According to the source, Hanifa is alive but currently under medical care.

A video of Hanifa obtained by IntelMedium shows her speaking, and when asked who tried to kill her, she names “Saydak, son of Nork.”

Suspects: Taliban Members?

Based on the local source’s statement, the person who tried to kill Hanifa is named Sayed Mohammad, son of Noor Mohammad, and is known to be a member of the Taliban. It is also said that the injured woman is the sister of the Taliban security commander in Lal and Sarjangal district of Ghor province.

The source adds that four nights ago, during pre-dawn hours, Sayed Mohammad and five others attempted to kill Hanifa. However, after the villagers became aware of the incident, he failed to carry out the act. Hanifa also mentioned in her statements that a large group had tied her hands, including Saydak’s wife and daughters.

Motive: Verbal Dispute with Sayed Mohammad’s Wife

According to the local source, a day before the incident, a verbal dispute occurred between Hanifa and Sayed Mohammad’s wife. During this argument, Hanifa had mentioned that “the situation of the people worsened after the Taliban’s arrival, and it was better in the past.” This disagreement seems to be one of the reasons for the attack.

The source further emphasized that although Hanifa’s three brothers are Taliban members, her husband, Rozaldin, is a civilian and a laborer.

No Comment from the Taliban


This incident reflects the complex social and security situation in Taliban-controlled areas. Personal and family disputes, which escalate into violent confrontations, can lead to tragedies like this in the shadow of insecurity and the weakening of women’s rights.